Thursday, 6 January 2011

{Top Tip Thursday} Lists of Guest Lists

Make Lists (and lots of lists)

Both the Bride and Groom start with writing a list of the people they want to invite.
If parents are insistant on inviting people, get them to write their own lists.

Remove duplicated Names.

Remove as many people from your Lists as you can.

All get together with your lists, to discuss who should and shouldnt be removed.
Compile More lists with who has one or two "shouldnt be invited" against their names.
People with anymore "strikes" should be crossed out.

Now from these lists, compile a Master List.

This is the "Master List" of the Guests you are mainly looking to Invite.

Still need to shorten down this list?
Come back next week to visit part 2 of shortening the Guest Lists

Tip taken from
"The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Weddings"
HERE to buy the book on Amazon.

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