Monday, 3 January 2011

{blp} Blog Plans for 2011

We were just finding our feet in 2010
We had our exclusive bridal newsletter, which is looking to still continue
but with our blog, it was a little far and few between on the blog posts,
with the work I had to do.

So....2011 is the year of the Blog

We have already written lots of posts for the Blog, which I am sure you will find interesting
(or at least I hope so)

But more than that, its about hints, tips, and generally feeling good.
We'd love your comments on the blog posts that we do so that you can find more
and more ways to interact with Blue Lights Photography.

The Schedule for the blog, by the day of the week is as follows

{Monday Mayhem}
 Is where we look a selections of hand-picked items for a certain aspect of your wedding
under a certain amount of money, starting 10.01.11

{Tuesday Trend}
A lot of trends about for 2011, so we look at what is out and about!
Starting 04.01.11

{Wedding Wednesday}
Posts solely dedicated to your Wedding
Some of these are Guest Posts by other Suppliers
Starting 05.0.11

{Top Tips Thursday}
Little Tips to help your Wedding go a little more smoothly
From Guest Lists to First Dance
Speeches to Stains
Tips for everything
Starting 06.01.11

{Foto Friday}
Because being a photographer I need to show some photographs on the blog.
Real Life Weddings, Singular Photographs, Sneaky Peeks you'll find them all.
Starting 07.01.11

{Supplier Saturday}
We have a spotlight on a Supplier every Saturday
Find out more indepth about Suppliers, what they do that makes them stand out in the business,
to how and why they set their business up!
Starting 08.01.11

And then that brings us to Sundays....
These should be the day of rest.

Sundays will have special posts from Adele at Blue Lights Photography
Hints, tips, advice.
Special articles written by Adele.

Also, you may find extra special blog posts that occur, when you can have double the blogging pleasure on the Blue Lights Photography Blog...

So dont miss out, keep reading us.
Keep commenting us.
And more importantly, keep enjoying us!

1 comment:

  1. Oh look forward to your posts! I find it helps immensly having a blogging schedule, just been planning mine.
    Wishing you a very happy & sucessful 2011


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