Monday 26 December 2016

Wedding: Making the most out of visiting Wedding Venues

Engaged over the Festive period and now starting to look at what to do next. Here we talk about visiting Wedding Venues and how to make the most out of them!

A lot of Wedding Venues will have Open Days, or hold their own Wedding Fayre. So as we are attending the Waterton Park Open Day on the 4th June 12pm-4pm then I thought I would give you some information on getting the most out of visiting a potential Wedding Venue for the first time!

Just because a venue looks like it may be out of your budget, don't be afraid to ask. Some venues aren't as expensive as you think that they may be, especially as different venues include different things. The best thing you can do to get the right idea of a budget is to have a rough number of people you will be inviting.

Does your venue allow for only a certain number of people? Do you want to invite 100 people but the venue you've fallen in love with only holds a maximum of 50 people? Would you cut down your number of guests for the right venue or would it mean you need to look elsewhere?

Do you have any elderly or disabled guests that you will be inviting? Then don't forget to check out accessibility. How far is the walk from the carpark to the venue? Are their stairs, do they have a lift? Don't take for granted that venues will have lifts, especially older venues and stately homes.

Other Weddings
Check what is the maximum amount of Weddings that the venue holds per day. Some venues give you the option to pay for Exclusivity but do you really need it if there is no way you'll bump into the other bride?

Look at how far realistically you need to book in advance or their diaries are open for. Some venues will recommend booking a minimum of 18months-2 year in advance to get your desired date. However, if you are planning on getting married on a peak weekend date (bank holidays at Easter / August for example) then you may have to get married on a different date than originally planned if it's already booked.

Happy Planning!

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