Friday, 16 September 2011

{blp} Real Wedding ~ Chloe & Danny {Waterton Park Hotel}

Today I bring you the Real Wedding of Chloe and Danny whom were married on 17th July 2011 at Waterton Park Hotel. I first met Chloe when she came into the Studio for some dancing portfolio shots done, so it was a privlidge to get to photograph her wedding too.

The orange theme was my first, but was absoulutely beautiful. It was the first time I had seen, or photographed a Wedding with Orange as the theme colour but it looked beautiful.

Chloe, was dressed by her Sister, who also touched up the final bits of her Make-up.
Chloe's shoes were awesome, She had purchased a pair of white lace shoes and then customised them herself. No end to this girls talents!

 Duncan, from Langtree Photography came to Second Shoot this Wedding with me, and took the groom shots with the gorgeous Aston Martin, whilst I was still with the Bride. Duncan was a great help on the day, and we enjoyed a spot of Lunch whilst we were awaiting the speeches to start.

Lots of nerves were apparent when she arrived. And Danny was quite nervous too!

After the Ceremony, Chloe and Danny opted to have no confetti thrown, and everyone made their way over the bridge to the island to have drinks and photographs.

I always try and make sure we have time for portraits of the Bride and Groom where I can take them away from everyone else. Most people went into the bar as it was threatening to rain so we got the photographs we needed to do outside without any interruptions!

We did a shot with the umberella, not because it was raining, just because she liked it!

Chloe and Danny had me for a Half Day, and they have just ordered their Album which I am in the process of designing. Such a gorgeous young couple full of love!

For more information about having your wedding photographed with me, contact me at you can also find us on facebook

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