Saturday, 4 September 2010

Wedding Suppliers: Saturday Help! - Wedding Fayres

Wedding Fayre’s are hard to gauge on what you should or shouldnt wear, i’m not pretending to be an expert on the cause at all, because...I’m really not.

I’ve been in business 10months, and stood my first Wedding Fayre within 3-weeks of going into business. Here are my hints and tips (and I hope you find them useful) for standing Wedding Fayres.

1. Plan. Try and plan standing at the Wedding Fayre. What are you wanting from it, what impression do you want to give. Have you visited the venue before, do you know what to expect..? Can you find out how many stalls are going to be there, or how many other people from the same type of “business” you do – just ask the questions – some will even tell you what other suppliers ARE going to be there so you can check out the competion beforehand.

2. Prepare. Do you have all your business cards ready, are you having new products printed? Are you thinking of giving out a prize, or offering money off for people who book on the day. Your stall is your “shop window” if it looks boring, or doesnt stand out, noone is going to come and visit no matter how good your product or service is.

3. Pack. Try and pack the car the night before. This means that you are more prepared and chances are you wont leave anything. Rushing to pack the car with your items the same morning as your meant to be setting up will mean that something may be left behind and you will not have time to sort it in the morning.

4. Wear. Be comfortable, be smart, be presentable. This doesnt mean turning up in a £400 ensemble, when in reality, the brides who are visiting the venue, arent spending that on their dress. What do you wear to do your job? If your not a heel wearer then dont start at a Wedding Fayre either. Chances are even if you have a seat, you wont get chance to sit down – and standing in one or two spots, talking to people all day, on a hard floor is tiring and hard work. If you are going to wear a suit, then wear something underneath which means you can take your jacket off incase its warm. Alternatively, if your just going for a branded t-shirt or polo-shirt then take a jacket (branded if needed – ie fleece) just incase its cold.

5. Time. Give yourself time for everything. Time to get there on time (or early) plenty of time to set up. Plenty of time to rearrange your stall – do you have as much room as you expected, is there power easily accessible if you need it. Also give you time to have lunch. Are you expecting it to be busy? If so have a good breakfast. Are you taking someone else with you to stand with you so you can go for a pee, a drink and something to eat quickly.

6. Stand. What size is the stand? Is it just a table or a shell scheme? Does everyone have the same size stall or are they all different. (smaller venues tend to do same size, bigger ones shell scheme) How are you going to be different to the competition? What is going to draw them to you? I would try and advise getting a roll-up banner stand – you dont have to spend a fortune on these. I have two for my stall...draws in people. You stand out over a crowded room.

7. Offers. Are you offering anything on the day or incentives to book? Look at doing a prize draw for one of your services (or even part of a service) as this will then give people an idea to what they would be paying for (or may even then up-date to a full service)

8. Data Collection. Are you getting the bridal register list? If not then look at using a special offer/prize draw for data collection, and only get brides to enter whom you speak to – that way its easy to chase up with people as you have a reason to get in touch and not just “cold calling”

9. Network. Wedding Fayres are a fabulous way to meet new suppliers as well as brides, you are selling your service to everyone. These people can become friends – and can pass on business to business to you. No matter what business you work in brides will always ask if you can recommend “someone” who does something you will meet at a Wedding Fayre. Most people will be there early, and will give you chance to chat when your setting up. Offer help wherever you can, if your set up early, and someone is just carrying boxes in, offer to help.

10. Enjoy. As silly as it sounds – enjoy it. If your not enjoying it, are bored or fed up then brides will see it. If you’ve only seen 5 brides all day, treat the next one through the door as she’s the first. If you’ve seen 100 brides through the day, treat the next one as she’s the first...but enjoy it. This is why its important to be comfortable.


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