I try not to get too personal on my business page –
but there is definitely one thing that I am a strong promoter of raising the
awareness of – and that is Cervical Cancer Prevention Awareness.
This week from 25th-31st is
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week – and there is the #SmearForSmear campaign
which I shared on Sunday on my business page.
My Story
You see, being 30 now, I would have probably had my
first smear at 25, had my GP Surgery not been on the ball and send me a letter
before it changed. I remember a nurse somewhere once saying to me, “oh you’ll
have not had a smear yet” and I replied stating “Oh yes I had one at 18” and
she told me off – like it was me that had performed it on myself.
But with troubles with periods, and pain – it was also
done as a precaution – something that doesn’t tend to happen anymore – and I
was later diagnosed with Endometriosis at 22.
By the time I was 25 – I had an abnormal smear and was referred
to the colposcopy clinic. I was showing as having HPV too – another reason that I’m “pro”
the hpv-injection. They also found out that I had cervicitis – they thought brought on
with the mirena coil –
which was fitted as treatment for the endometriosis – and so I began
treatment. Treatment –
smear – treatment – smear etc. Every 6
months for 2 years. And again, Abnornal, Clear, Abnormal, borderline and then my
next one –
when they expected me to “come back in a year” came back with moderate changes
and I went back. I knew moderate changes meant I would need further treatment – better to be safe than
Back at my appointment I had LLETZ treatment – and they got rid of all the nasty
CIN3 cells. They’re not cancer cells – they’re classed as “if left they could
lead to” more a “pre-cancerous” words instead. The most fastenating things I
found was learning that your cervix grows back – isn’t it amazing what the body
This year marks 3 years in August since I got my clear
smear – and I will be due again for my next one – and if it doesn’t get
mentioned before my “anniversary” I will be beating down their door to make
sure I get my next one done.
Over to you
Are you 25 and had your Smear Letter? Did you go to
your last smear? Are you late for your smear? If so – what’s your excuse? Yes,
I know its not great, and I know it can sometimes be uncomfortable especially
if you are nervous. I also know that sometimes people being that close to your
downstairs is a bit off-putting – but its their job – they do this day in day
out – and like boobs – we’ve all got them! (unless your a man obviously!)
And there are so many stories, of girls younger than
25 being diagnosed with cervical cancer – and it has been caught too late – don’t
become one of those people.
And for those that are under 25 – and are worried then
demand, demand, demand – if they are testing you for other things (STDs or BV
then a smear isn’t going to take any more time to do!) If they wont – ask for a
second opinion from a different gp in your surgery.
Moving forward
So what are my thoughts on the guidelines of 25-64
being the age range? I personally think that the 25 is “too old” for the first
smear. However, I think that maybe it needs to be done slightly differently.
Obviously Pregnancy and Sexual Partners can also attribute to the risk of
cervical cancers – so why not call a mum for a smear 6-12 months after the
birth of her first child? Therefore – if someone has a baby at 20 – then they
have their first smear at 21 – but if someone presents for reasons for an STD clinic, then i think it would be advisable to get them in earlier as they have
the possibility of more chance of getting hpv.
All everyone can keep doing is campaigning currently
to get the smear lowered in age again – but not only that – please make sure
you go for your smear when you are called no matter what your sexual
orientation either ladies!
Stay safe!
For more information then why not head over to Jo's Trust